Student Information System
Student Type
Student ID Number
Full Name
Year Level
Email Address
Contact Number
Data Privacy Statement
In submitting this form I agree to my details being used for the purposes of CNU Clinic Medical Report Submission. The information will only be accessed by necessary university staff. I understand my data will be held securely and will not be distributed to third parties. I have a right to change or access my information. I understand that when this information is no longer required for this purpose, CNU Clinic procedure will be followed to dispose of my data
I Agree

CBC report file is empty
The information in this system are confidential, privileged and only intended for the recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed without any express written consent of Cebu Normal University.

Public Information Office

Telephone No.:
(+6332) 254 - 1452 local 115

Telephone Trunk Line:
(032) 253 - 7915
(032) 254 - 1452
(032) 254 - 6814

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00am - 05:00pm